Dr Science Tuition
Dr Science Tuition
Experience excellence
with us.
Tabirambani Tutoring
Personalised tutoring that boosts grades
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Our Services
We provide 1-2-1 tutoring that helps students to learn at their full potential. With the personalised 1-2-1 support, students can get the grades they deserve.
During tutoring session the topics will be fully explained.
The students are allowed to ask all the questions they need to ask. This is to make sure they fully understand the topics.
After this the students will be asked to take notes which will help them learn the subject and they can refer to them later for revision purpose.
Our teaching style is unique as we try to match our tutoring to their learning style and it will be personalised for each student.
We will also explain difficult concepts in a way that is easy and clear.
We will also guide the students on exam techniques and boost their self confidence.
GCSE’S Chemistry Physics Biology
A Levels Chemistry Physics Biology
M Pharm Pharmacy
Pharmacy Registration Exam
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